コバルト セルリアン (グリーン調) Pb36


コバルト セルリアン (グリーン調) Pb36

在庫: 在庫あり

Concentrated, artists-grade cobalt dry pigments, chemically pure and without additives. 7 and 125ml sizes are volume formats and correspond respectively to 1/4 and 4.2 us fl. oz, all other sizes are mass (weight) formats.
PS-CO0010, Cobalt cerulean (green shade) Pb36

Cobalt cerulean (green shade) Pb36, 7 ml

PS-CO0010, Cobalt cerulean (green shade) Pb36

コバルト セルリアン (グリーン調) Pb36 , 4oz/vol

PS-CO0010, Cobalt cerulean (green shade) Pb36

コバルト セルリアン (グリーン調) Pb36 , 227 g

PS-CO0010, Cobalt cerulean (green shade) Pb36

コバルト セルリアン (グリーン調) Pb36 , 454 g

PS-CO0010, Cobalt cerulean (green shade) Pb36

Cobalt cerulean (green shade) Pb36, 2.27 kg



dry pigments technical informations
Approximate pigment mass on volume formats
  • 7ml : 6.4 grams
  • 125ml : 88.4 grams
Origin (natural or synthetic): synthetic
Lime compatibility : yes
Pigment description, according to ASTM : Cerulean Blue, Chromium or Cobalt Chromite Blue, Inorganic: oxides of cobalt and chromium or cobalt chromite
Chemical family (Kama) : inorganic / cobalt
Lightfastness, according to ASTM-D4302 : I
Opacity : opaque
Average particle size: 0.8 µm
Heat stability : 1495 °C

safety data sheets

SDS link : safety data sheets for PS-CO0010.

All the information above is, to the best of our knowledge, considered to be exact and does not constitute a product specification or warranty. Materials should always be thoroughly tested prior to selecting them for definitive use.



カタログコード PS-CO0010
Country of Manufacture カナダ
Manufacturer kama pigments
opacity opaque
couleur bleu
compatible à la chaux oui
disponible pour expédition gratuite はい




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