'dry pastels black 12'の検索結果

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  1. Liquid Leaf, Brass, 22 ml

    通常価格: $10.35

    Special Price $8.95

  2. Liquid Leaf, Classic, 22 ml

    通常価格: $10.30

    Special Price $8.95

  3. AC-GA0175, Cotton Gilding Gloves (dozen)
  4. AC-FO1000, Liquid Bitumen in Turpentine
  5. AC-FO0260, Premixed Burnishing Clay, Yellow
  6. AC-FO0250, Premixed Burnishing Clay, Red
  7. AC-FO0187, Gilding Tip, Squirrel Hair 2 1/2"
    This traditional tool greatly facilitates handling and laying gold or imitation leaves while preventing it from tearing. Most oftenly used in conjunction with a gilder’s pad. もっと知る

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